CROSS Dance Lab

CROSS Dance Lab is a newly imagined dance studio that acts as the intersection point for dancers of all backgrounds. The mission of this prefigured studio is to be a space for dancers who find inclusivity, passion, and adaptability important to them.

Brand System
July 1, 2021
Brand System
Brand System
Brand System

What's Included

Within this project, CROSS Dance Lab focuses on establishing an identity to communicate their passion for creating a dance community through trendy outputs. Some of these outputs include:

  1. A brand that is modern and versatile. With the primary brand colors only containing an off-black, white, and lightened-red, it gives the brand flexibility of its image. Typography uses the typeface for similar reasons.
  2. A logo design that visualizes crossing paths and passing through an intersecting point in our experience as dancers. A logo that is both versatile and clean its application.
  3. A website that hones in on user experience while being a source of learning for dancers who have the choice to learn remotely.
  4. Merch that is simplistic and clean in its aesthetic.
  5. Social media advertisements to keep their business current.

View prototype of website design below.

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Brand System

Project Results

Branded products with a simple logo are not only trendy, but universal too. With new clothing, website, and social media advertisements, CROSS Dance Lab can expand their brand across the world.

  • The shirts and accessories are meant to be subtle with their branding, and yet, still look cool to own. It encourages dancers to be a part of one community and feel they are in it too.
  • Social media presence is a part of this new day and age. CROSS Dance Lab makes an effort in promoting the studio, and post choreography videos for potential followers to love and watch.
  • When designing this site, it needed to be accessible, friendly, and work with a lot of negative space. In UI/UX design, it is vital to think about how the user navigates throughout your design. Tell the story how you want them to see and avoid confusion at all costs by clear language, imagery, and navigation.